Offering Maintenance & Repair Services For Your Koi Pond, Swimming Pool or Water Fountain, In A Professional & Dependable Manner.
We understand the feeling of satisfaction you get when your koi pond is alive and well. Providing a functioning ecosystem for animals living in its waters and a blissful place for you to relax.
Click MORE INFO to see what we do to ponds in order to keep them in top condition and also the vast variety of water plants we offer.
Imagine diving into a crystal clear pool, free of leaves, small debris and harmful chemicals. That's what you get when you have Montecito Koi Ponds do the job.
Click MORE INFO to see the packages we offer
Fountains are small, but important, accessories to a homes design. They can be a beautiful touch to an open area. We make sure these accessories get the proper attention they deserve.
Click MORE INFO to see what we do to keep them clean.
Save Energy & Go Green With Our Eco-Friendly Pump Upgrades.
Enter into the 21st century and upgrade to a leading-edge koi pond or swimming pool pump. Enjoy the benefits of increased performance, savings and efficiency while knowing you're helping the environment. Advancements by Pentair and their IntelliFlo VSF pumps, make it possible for the pump to adjust speed and control the flow of water during its cycle. Resulting in increased energy savings over the conventional single or two speed pumps, up to 90%.
Read what one of our client thinks about their recent pump upgrade.